i want you / i want you / i want you / was all he said to me
from the depths / from the silence / from the world beyond this one
juices flowing / rarely stirred
i'd rather your lips speaking truth in my ear / than on another part being false
it’s the darker things / that lure me in / forbidden pleasures / and beautiful sins
to be adored / and to be your object / the tender and the raw / the poetic and the vulgar / my freedom and your reign
caressing your sacred beauty / holding it firm in my hand / feeling your bliss move in and out / keeping it safe and warm
and when you make love / i’ll be loved, too / touch her and you’ll touch me / for the more you are loved / the more you will share / jealous, i’ll never be
in the end / i reduce each man / to lines
beloved, you needn’t trade it / your freedom for this belle / they both are yours / no strings attached / i’ll give you her as well
i shall tie you to a pillar / as an offering to the gods / and then i shall consume you / make a drink of your sweet blood
first you leave me dripping / then you curse me with a drought
i want you stripped and naked / and hairy as can be
the sight of you aroused me so / your nakedness, your mouth / your perfect natural beauty / my adonis from the south
i put his face / right on my screen / my chosen art / my magazine
i have no interest in mortal love / i’m seeking the divine / a dancing of souls in the mystical realm / untouched by space and time
i touch heaven / with and through him / and through me / endlessly
living to the point of tears / beautiful / rich / deep
i don’t love him / barely like him / yet he affects me more than most
not everyone wants to know your heart / not everyone deserves to, either
it was the most natural dance with another / through the other who is me / a dance so fluid i didn’t notice the moves / i only felt the dance
my being writes / ahead of my life / love letters from me to me
i’m not afraid / to take up space / the world could use more me
i found my genius here / in the place where we reside
if it makes me feel something / then i want it in my life
too pure / and true / for the world / and you
you’re too damn small / to see me right
as empty / as empty / can be
meet me in the in between
i use my words / to carry me home
the person who was my person / isn’t my person anymore
for all that i share / there is a million times more
the devil keeps on knocking / but i won’t go out to play / i’ve been burned over a million times / right here is where i’ll stay
what first felt like freedom / turned into a cage / i slept with the enemy / my predator / his prey
what a mess / you make / of me
i like them weird / and rugged / and raw
i am an artist before his lover / i am mine before i am his
i’d rather the art he inspires / than his body next to mine
it’s my favourite year / of all my years
i live comfortably in excess / when it comes to things i love
today i danced and touched myself / the gift still satisfies
it's hard to do the right thing / when the wrong thing feels like this
i don't care who gets the rest of you / i want what’s just for me
my addiction to this tortured man / is so intense it hurts
my world stops when you are in it / and it stops when you are not
i want him the way that she wants me
there is infinite space within me / around me / and beyond / i’m the space between the space / i am no thing / i am all
i’m here / you’re there / that’s why we never meet
you must touch god / before you dare to touch me
he asked me where we stand / i stand where i’ve always stood
he has to die / to be with me / as does anyone else
i always do what i’m told to do / and that’s the art i make
i’m trouble but i’m worth the trouble
you mock me as i celebrate / while i wonder why you don't
i’ll never understand why i’m misunderstood
and then he said / in the voice i love / ‘i’m not done serving you’
actions speak louder / but i still need the words
whenever we’re getting closer / he thinks we’re falling apart
i saw god and she is me
names are not called / they are made known
i wanted their beauty hidden / because i was hiding my own
i’m abrasive and rude / but i’m other things, too
i’m feeling my way through / the grooves of my tender heart
i don’t want an earthly experience with you / nor a celestial one with another
from the very first scene / i was dripping like honey / from the energy of us
he is my creation / like every other thing / a treasure i gift myself / as i fall deeper into me
i cannot be kept / i just stay where it’s true
you cannot be mine / if you are not yours
i’m dancing beautifully / endlessly / i’m living a waking dream
home is where i am / and where i’ve always been
he feels the way / a good meal tastes
my body tells me more / than your expressions ever could
off to bed / with a bleeding heart / you must be on my mind
growing out loud / is what i do best
i used to crave the one / until i found her within me
he’s my exception to the rule / that i’m breaking just for him
no one’s ever had me / but he’s had more of me than most
but that was yesterday / so far away / i’ve travelled many skies since then
i cannot be moved and be silent about the waves
i like a man / who grunts and groans / while feasting on his kill
all i want is to destroy you / strip you bare and leave you for dead
the only time we’re together / is when he’s not actually there
i will stay when you do / i’ll leave when you do, too
and when he leaves his station / the portal to us is gone
of course i can accept him / i just can’t accept that for me
i’m bored / out of / my fucking / mind / at least / with him / i felt / alive
neither my pussy / nor my heart / can handle how / we stop and start
i was not made / for this twisted world / i belong in mandyland
you were the first / to hear my song / and sing it back to me
i’d been searching for her / whose words that you sought / and found her hiding, scared / then you came along / with a kiss and a poem / now love spreads everywhere
the day we met / i longed to touch / as you massaged your head / the ride was long / the sun had set / i wished to be your bed
i could never make love to a stranger / unless that stranger was you
onto something else / and someone new / spreading your love around / he was my muse / another is his / the soul cannot be bound
and in your presence / i was free / just like a butterfly / i’d waited all my life for this / to love as my soul desired
monogamy is beautiful / polygamy equally so / i foresee a string of lovers / together, in a row
you can’t just wait for a miracle / your gift is met halfway
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